A blog for Shannon Fay, a freelance journalist, comic book writer.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Welcome back me

I was on vacation for two weeks in sunny Arizona. A lot of things happened while I was gone and now I'm playing catch-up.

Since I last posted, there have been two new pages up at Dreams and Dragons! Go check them out, they're really nice: http:/dreamsanddragons.smackjeeves.com.

At Gomanga.com, my interview with Edward Gan, artist for the spooky manga 'The Outcast,' is up: http://www.gomanga.com/news/features_outcast_002.php

And... I suppose that's it, actully. It's good to be home.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Boogiepop's translator

My interview with Andrew Cunningham, translator for Seven Sea's Boogiepop novels and manga, is online at http://www.gomanga.com/news/features_boogiepop_001.php. It's pretty interesting to hear about all the work that goes into translating a book from Japanese to English.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I received some exciting news in the mail yesterday. I've been chosen for one of my school's alumni awards, the John F. Godfrey Book Award.


Since nobody really reads this blog, I don't feel too bad about bragging about it here ;).

Monday, July 03, 2006

Dreams and Dragon page 8

Another week, another Dreams and Dragons page up at Smackjeeves.

I love Cosima's hair in that panel.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dreams and Dragons Page 7

New Dreams and Dragons page! Pockymonster can even makes a talking head page look good.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Interview up with Melvin Calingo/Buckethead/Taga-ilog, artist of the Seven Sea's pirate manga Destiny's Hand http://www.gomanga.com/news/features_destiny_002.php.

Not really related, but there's also a preview of Last Hope vol. 2 on Gomanga.com, and it's great.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dreams and Dragons page 6 up

Page six of Dreams and Dragons is now up at Smackjeeves: http://dreamsanddragons.smackjeeves.com. It's a little late, but not through any fault of the artist (or mine). The internet ate the e-mail she had sent me of the page, and so I never replied to say it looked good and to put it online. But it's up now, and that's all that matters. I'm a little nervous because the next few pages are a little confusing, but very important. If things don't make sense at first, just bear with us and it will in time. Thanks!