Went to the comic book store yesterday (of course I did, it was a Wenseday) and picked up a comic I'd been antcipating for a long time. Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness! I was afarid that it would never arrive, and that when it finally did it would never live up to my expectations, but it did on both counts. In case you haven't checked out this awesome series yet, it's about a slacker named Scott Pilgrim who lives in Tah'rana (aka Toronto) with a cool gay roommate, dates a high school girl and plays bass in a band. Everything's fine and dandy untill he meets Ramona, an American delivery girl who regularly rollerblades through his dreams.
In the third volume we learn a little more about Scott's ex Envy (the covergirl for this volume), see the further evolution of Knives Chau's hair, and find out what Kim Pine does for fun on weekends.
I also purchased Unearthly, a lesser known book than Scott Pilgrim but just as deserving of attention. But while SP has tons of fans, Unearthly is in danger because of low sales. The prospect of a second volume being printed is looking bleak, according to Ted Naifeh's blog, where he states that :[url=
http://www.tednaifeh.com/tednaifeh2/ted_news_frameset.htm]"My manga book, Unearthly, may never see a second volume. This is due to the abysmal sales of the first volume, which never seemed to find its audience"[/url]
So I've bought a second copy of Unearthly, and I'm trying to figure out some way to use it to promote the book. I'm thinking maybe an international bookring through [url=www.bookcrossing.com]Bookcrossing[/url], but so far there's been no takers. I'm also toying with the idea of a fansite, but I really suck at web design (this blog is a minor miracle). I will figure out something though. There has to be a volume two!